lundi 3 octobre 2011

Would being able to design and program ipad apps appeal to colleges?

Question by lemonsTasteGood: Would becoming able to style and program ipad apps appeal to colleges?
I'm contemplating taking classes on programming ipad/iphone apps. I'm wondering if I manage to create apps, no matter whether or not this would appear good on an application to a prestigious school like Stanford, Berkely, or Caltech.

Btw, I'm a sophomore and I want to go into personal computer science

Ideal answer:

Answer by Deepak Kumar
I can do that too,
So could many lil kids I know,
There is no harm in mentioning it
But u shouldn't highlight it as a 'Super-Key acheivement'
due to the fact it is not a big acheivement
They may possibly think ur a noob

My suggestions is attempt performing something more 'Bigger' It would increase ur chance of acceptance

As for ur acceptance,
It would depend on ur other acheivements and grades too

Hope this assists :-)

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