jeudi 15 mars 2012

Is there anyway to advance a keynote presentation on my iPad without touching the screen/using an iPhone?

Question by hwlin76: Is there anyway to advance a keynote presentation on my iPad with no touching the screen/using an iPhone?
Is there anyway to advance a keynote presentation on my iPad 1 with out touching the screen/making use of an iPhone/iPod app? Are there any recognized bluetooth accessories or usb devices (via Camera kit) that will do this? I have tried using a bluetooth keyboard with no luck.

Greatest answer:

Answer by Reina
You could try to e-mail it to oneself and then save the presentation on your iPad from there. I'm not completely confident as to what you happen to be asking.

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Orignal From: Is there anyway to advance a keynote presentation on my iPad without touching the screen/using an iPhone?

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