mercredi 5 octobre 2011

Q&A: Can someone help me find "telephone" by lady Gaga song for download from TAP TAP RADIATION?

Question by Ross: Can somebody aid me discover "telephone" by lady Gaga song for download from TAP TAP RADIATION?
Does a person know where I can find telephone by Lady Gaga from Tap Tap radiation app on iPad (for those who have an iPad and have Tap Tap with Lady Gaga, you really should know that Beyonce is not singing in it) I do not know what it's named so please aid me, and I don't believe it's the demo, it has original telephone beat, but without having beyonce..

Greatest answer:

Answer by Ramon Rocha
Dude i don´t know

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Orignal From: Q&A: Can someone help me find "telephone" by lady Gaga song for download from TAP TAP RADIATION?

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