An Apple iPad 16 GB w/ WiFi & Apple iPad Case w/ Stand, Dock Connector to USB Cable, and a 10W USB Power Adapter. The iPad was $ 500, but now, with the accessories, I am selling it, at good condition, for, at the lowest, $ 300, but will put up an agreement meeting, unless you purchase the iPad for $ 320 and up . The iPad has all working features (Buttons, Software, Hardware, etc.). Also, I have Apple stickers on the back of the iPad, which can be effortlessly removed. To see images of the iPad, go to photobucket under the username of rmm1997, and go to the album iPad Photos for Yahoo. If you want to make an arrangementt with me to get the iPad, contact me at Thank You!
Greatest answer:
Answer by Madden.
Yes. I would like to acquire it.. But, I am not positive when I can. Sometime soon. and this would have to be done through PayPal.
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Orignal From: Q&A: Does anyone want to purchase an Apple iPad 16 GB WiFi (Accessories in Description)?
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