mardi 3 janvier 2012

Q&A: If I buy an iPad 2 from Verizon and take it to Mexico will the 3G work over there still?

Question by bryant_707: If I acquire an iPad 2 from Verizon and take it to Mexico will the 3G operate more than there nevertheless?
Im organizing on buying an iPad 2 and going to Mexico and I want to use the 3G instead of wifi, if they have any over there, and my friend stated they took there iPhone 4 to El Salvador and theyre 3G worked more than there on AT&T so i want to know if Verizons 3G will operate more than there with the iPad two? Thank You.

Greatest answer:

Answer by Maximus 100000
You can, but be ready to spend some hefty roaming fee's.

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Orignal From: Q&A: If I buy an iPad 2 from Verizon and take it to Mexico will the 3G work over there still?

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