samedi 4 février 2012

Can I activate the iPad+3G model straight from the Apple Store?

Question by : Can I activate the iPad+3G model straight from the Apple Shop?
Do you have to have a computer to activate your iPad+3G or can you have the Apple Shop do it for you?

Best answer:

Answer by Brotha_Jay
Really, you have to have an iPad to activate your SIM. If you go to the Apple shop, they may well help you with the activation otherwise, you can covertly activate your SIM by placing it in one of their iPads and going via the activation approach.

But if you've bought the iPad, you just need to have to put the SIM in the iPad and use their onboard activation. Apple recommends that you connect the iPad to your iTunes so that the most recent updates to the 3g computer software can be installed. This is a great thought...due to the fact Apple likes to screw you more than if you don't get all of their updates :-o

Here's the link to Apple:

Good luck!

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