mercredi 15 février 2012

Will a 3g Wifi Ipad from Thailand work perfectly anywhere in the world?

Question by : Will a 3g Wifi Ipad from Thailand work perfectly anyplace in the world?
Will a 3g Wifi Ipad from Thailand operate in Australia on 3g ?
Im thinking of getting a ipad here in Thailand while im holidays, will the 3g perform fine when i get back to Australia and sign up for a 3g plan?

Best answer:

Answer by karazyal
If it is a genuine Ipad it ought to function. But if it is a look alike fake who knows?

If you are going to put out massive funds for this item why not just get it Australia where you know it will be genuine? Also if you purchase it in Australia you know that if you have a technical issue it will be addressed.

I do not consider you will get much of a price tag break buying this device in Thailand compared to your own country. If it is really inexpensive in Thailand it is probably fake! Take into account the warranty. Buying it in your country you certainly know that you won't have a issue with service.

Right here are some posts on Apple purchases in Thailand:

Excellent luck.

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