samedi 17 décembre 2011

Will the iPad go on "sale" anytime soon? (Price drop like iPhone)?

Question by : Will the iPad go on "sale" anytime soon? (Cost drop like iPhone)?
I was debating whether or not or not to get an iPad but soon after seeing some reviews I really want one nevertheless, I was wondering what other folks believed, if they believed the value would drop a few bucks within the subsequent coming weeks or not!? Apple will almost certainly wait till soon after 3G is out for a while to make a decision I'm sure but I do not know any statistics on if it selling how they hoped and I was wondering if they are selling or is it in the matter that they may possibly drop the price like they did the iPhone, and I should wait? Thanks for your opinions!

Very best answer:

Answer by soopersam95
It is is correct that apple tends to lower their rates a lot soon after they put them on the industry, but in the ipad info video they said that it's is starting at a low cost so they don't have to lower it like their other merchandise. I would wait til 1 of your friends has it or go to an apple store and try out the features and how quick it is. They are always are continually updating their goods. But If your satisfied with what the ipad has to offer you, then purchase it.

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