dimanche 18 mars 2012

KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question by : KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I downloaded the Keynote app to make powerpoint for school. So I created a test powerpoint and shared it by way of iwork on my ipad two so it could save in my iwork docs but when i went to play it, it wouldnt. How do I get it to play the presentations or how do I play the presentation at all?

Best answer:

Answer by jimgmacmvp
Keynote makes Keynote presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint tends to make PowerPoint presentations. Keynote can export in PowerPoint format using Keynote's File > Export function. The resulting presentation can be opened in Microsoft PowerPoint, which will be in Compatibility Mode with most functions disabled. PowerPoint can then be utilised to save the presentation in current PowerPoint format to allow all features.

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Orignal From: KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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