vendredi 16 mars 2012

Q&A: Is it possible to actually get a free ipad or ipod nano mulitouch?

Question by : Is it achievable to actually get a cost-free ipad or ipod nano mulitouch?
Christmas is only 2 months away and i cant find a job in my region being my age. my sisters list isnt something i can get with out money. which i dont have. i need an ipad or an ipod multitouch. i dont know exactly where to get one particular, i dont care if its utilized, as long as it looks new and stuff. no apps or anything would be cool.

Very best answer:

Answer by Ɲyla ⌘ ♀
Definitely not!

If it was, we'd all have them.

Know much better? Leave your personal answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Q&A: Is it possible to actually get a free ipad or ipod nano mulitouch?

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