samedi 17 septembre 2011

Ebay ipad 2 64gb 3g for 550$ is it a scam?

Question by : Ebay ipad 2 64gb 3g for 550$ is it a scam?
someone is selling an Ipad 2 64gb 3g for 550$ it is purchase it now he has 99.two% positive feedback, is it a scam or is it truly true

Ideal answer:

Answer by alex
99.two% is very good just depends how considerably feedback the individual received. check where it is from and that it is in the US. Too be honest I feel it is a very good deal but the iPad is in excellent utilised condition. Be positive to read the description cautiously.

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Orignal From: Ebay ipad 2 64gb 3g for 550$ is it a scam?

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