lundi 26 septembre 2011

Should wait for Samsung Tab 10.1 or buy iPad2?

Question by ashwanisinha: Should wait for Samsung Tab 10.1 or get iPad2?
Thinking of purchasing a tablet soon. Prime use will be as an eReader. Had a Sony PRS 650 but it created issues and had to sell it. The technologies also seems to be outdated. Granted that the greatest plus or e-ink technologies is the absence of glare but the present eReaders (Sony, Kindle and so on) seem to be constrained in their uses. Now, am thinking of getting a tablet and the shortlisted options are only two - Samsung Galaxy Tab and iPad2. Main disadvantage of present Galaxy tab is the screen size when compared to iPad. Now, with Samsung most likely to introduce the larger tab with 10.1 screen by July 2011, am confused as to whether or not I really should wait for the bigger tab or go for the verified iPad2?

Greatest answer:

Answer by webjnke1
Samsung will also be releasing 8.9 model

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Orignal From: Should wait for Samsung Tab 10.1 or buy iPad2?

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