dimanche 26 février 2012

Kindle fire vs Ipad2?

Question by : Kindle fire vs Ipad2?
So my birthday is coming up and I can either get the kindle fire noow or Ipad2 for christmas.

Now I love reading- dozens of books on my moms kindle. Always stalking ebooks section on Amazon. I listen to music and I love it so, I'd probally watch a few films that appeal to me. I'd order probally 2 movies each month/other month. Just depends.

I also Like employing apps, I like playing with the various ones, could anybody give me a lisitng of how considerably the Ipad2 has and how much the Kindle fire has?

I utilized to be into producing videos and now I do not but I still have a actually nice HD camera.

Opinions are welcome. Fit as considerably data as you can? Also huge screens are good and all but about how huge is a kindle fire? Length and width.

Thank you. :)

Best answer:

Answer by Kaitlyn McPartlin
Kindle Fire is superior to the iPad, and far less costly. And all apps are free, exactly where they expense cash for iPad. You will go broke downloading all the apps. Please DO NOT get an iPad, even although it really is most well-liked. Kindle Fire is the same size.

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Orignal From: Kindle fire vs Ipad2?

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