mercredi 1 février 2012

Q&A: Should I wait for ipad 3 to come out?

Question by simkov1: Need to I wait for ipad three to come out?
I have a apple gift card and i want and iPad but I cant make a decision if I need to wait for the new one to come out
I heard there wont be much difference must i purchase the iPad two or wait for the iPad 3?

Very best answer:

Answer by Joseph
I have the iPad 2 and its genuinely wonderful. But you know, when a new apple product comes out, you can usually upgrade it.

I had the iPhone3G and then upgraded it to the iPhone3GS and then to the iPhone 4, and when the 5th one comes out, ill upgrade.

I had the iPad 1, then upgraded to the iPad 2, and will upgrade to the 3rd one when it comes out.

I suggest purchasing the iPad two, but the iPad 3 will come out with a lot more functions so if you want you can wait.

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